Penge Penal Institute, 5 November, 4 pm
36-stroke strapping administered to Mr Roger Bevan of 11 Burbage Road, East Dulwich. Mr Bevan, 43, a repeat drunk-and-disorderly offender, had been spared prison by the magistrates’ court on condition that he submit to a severe thrashing and apologise to the landlord of the Red Lion, Mr Peter Hoskins, for his misdemeanours. Mr Hoskins was invited to attend Mr Bevan’s punishment and duly did so.
Strokes were administered on the bare buttocks in batches of 12. The senior prison strap was used and wielded by SCO Rodwell, the Institute’s senior female officer. The punishment was executed by a female officer as it was the verdict of the court that Mr Bevan ‘was inclined to be abusive to women when drunk’ and ‘would benefit psychologically from the additional humiliation of lowering his trousers in the presence of a member of the opposite sex’. Mr Bevan took his punishment well, crying out in pain only twice. Blisters were raised and there was moderate bleeding on the right buttock. Mr Bevan then shook hands with SCO Rodwell, apologised to Mr Hoskins, as directed by the court, and vowed to drink in moderation in future.